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Text File | 1989-06-09 | 7.7 KB | 274 lines | [TEXT/MSWD] |
- 400 2 500 17 -- pause button area
- Pause
- Continue
- 360 2 395 17 -- quit button area
- Quit
- 315 2 315 2 -- jump button area
- %font 2 24
- %at 40 40
- Start getting organized with...
- %font 0 0
- %p
- %delay 60
- %p
- %font 2 9
- %at 218 321
- © 1989
- %delay 180
- %font 0 0
- %p
- %erase 0 0 500 70
- %set 0 1
- %screen FPTitle 1
- %action 5 20
- %w 420
- %section
- %wrap on
- %font 3 12 1 2
- %screen FP2•Title
- %wrap on
- %font 3 12 1 2
- %text 50 200 460 320
- Focal Point II, the time, task and communication organizer from
- TENpointO, uses the power of HyperCard to link together all the
- aspects of your day--from your address and telephone books to your
- expenses, projects, and calendars.
- %action 2 20 3 28 35 60 -- action number, trigger count, rectangle
- %w 600
- %ctext
- Focal Point II consists of a series of eighteen buttons which represent
- tools that you use every day.
- %action 2 20 3 28 35 60
- %w 600
- %screen FP2•Daily1
- %text 20 100 280 200
- Keep track of appointments, activities, and engagements in your Daily
- Appointment Book.
- %w 360
- %screen FP2•Daily2
- %text 20 100 280 200
- Each half hour time slot has a note page to add additional information
- about your entry.
- %action 0 40 290 50 470 301
- %w 360
- %screen FP2•Daily3
- %text 20 200 480 275
- And, you can set alarms to remind you about the item you've scheduled,
- even if you're using an application other than Focal Point II.
- %w 360
- %screen FP2•Daily1
- %text 200 100 460 200
- In your office, you often write things down on both your daily calendar
- and the monthly calendar.
- %w 240
- %ctext
- With Focal Point II, though, anything you write in the Monthly Reminder
- field...
- %action 0 20 40 304 95 332
- %w 240
- %ctext
- ...is also linked to the monthly calendar.
- %action 3 20 0 2
- %w 180
- %screen FP2•Monthly
- %text 20 200 280 300
- Focal Point II automatically copies notations from your
- daily calendar to your monthly calendar and vice-versa.
- %action 0 20 309 101 377 162
- %w 240
- %ctext
- Focal Point II also lets you go directly to the To Do list for a day
- from the monthly calendar with a single click.
- %action 3 20 2 1
- %w 300
- %screen FP2•ToDoList1
- %text 220 80 480 200
- You can give a priority number or letter to each item on your To Do and
- Calls lists...
- %action 6 20 2
- 72 61 91 180
- 72 204 91 311
- %w 150
- %screen FP2•ToDoList2
- %text 220 80 480 160
- ...and click on the number sign to list them in order of priority.
- %action 6 20 2
- 73 40 92 59
- 73 183 92 202
- %w 240
- %screen FP2•ToDoList3
- %text 200 200 450 280
- You can, of course, check off the things you accomplish. Those that you
- don't finish...
- %action 0 25 56 61 71 311
- %w 300
- %ctext
- ...will automatically be forwarded to the next day's To Do list.
- %w 270
- %screen FP2•ToDoList4
- %ctext
- By highlighting a name in the Calls section and then
- clicking on the Directory button...
- %action 4 25 3
- %w 360
- %screen FP2•Directory
- %text 220 50 400 160
- Focal Point II takes you to that person's address card.
- To make the call, you need only click on the telephone icon.
- %action 0 25 296 194 325 223
- %w 480
- %screen FP2•Outgoing
- %text 135 175 380 275
- Focal Point II places the call, and takes you to the Outgoing Phone Log.
- %w 360
- %ctext
- Focal Point II also times the call, inserts the name and number of the person,
- and gives you room to keep notes.
- %w 420
- %ctext
- The buttons on the right-hand side conveniently let you note the reason for
- an incomplete call with a single click.
- %action 0 25 399 134 460 239
- %w 420
- %screen FP2•Incoming
- %text 295 160 500 250
- Use the Incoming Phone Log to record and track phone calls that you receive.
- %action 0 25 43 42 467 60
- %w 240
- %screen FP2•Notes1
- %text 270 81 455 304
- The Notes section has an Index card, notepads, and note cards. You create
- a separate notepad for each category of notes you decide to make.
- %w 420
- %screen FP2•Notes2
- %text 153 74 464 181
- Use the Notes section to create and organize correspondence, form letters,
- notes, lists, and other information you need to keep track of.
- %w 420
- %ctext
- At times, you may want to leave Focal Point II to work with
- some other application. A single click...
- %action 4 25 7
- %w 420
- %screen FP2•Documents
- %text 270 180 475 300
- ...takes you to the Document Launcher. This part of Focal Point II makes it
- easy to switch in and out of other applications, such as WriteNow 2.0.
- %action 0 25 113 172 196 221
- %w 540
- %screen FP2•WriteNow
- %text 190 100 500 190
- Your application works just as usual--but after you
- save your document and quit, you will automatically return to Focal
- Point II's Document Launcher.
- %w 480
- %screen FP2•Documents
- %text 250 100 450 230
- The buttons on the right-hand side of the screen help you keep track of
- your business commitments and expenses.
- %action 0 25 477 28 509 304
- %w 480
- %ctext
- For example, if you handle a lot of projects and proposals,
- a single button...
- %action 4 25 8
- %w 360
- %screen FP2•Projects1
- %text 225 240 500 325
- ...leads you to a stack of six different cards
- for every proposal record you create, and an additional five once the
- project is approved.
- %w 420
- %ctext
- You get to these other cards, such as Estimated Labor,
- by clicking the ZOOM buttons.
- %action 0 20 202 144 215 157
- %w 360
- %screen FP2•Projects2
- %text 70 175 255 255
- This takes you to a card specifically designed for that part of the
- proposal process.
- %action 0 20 360 19 472 39
- %w 420
- %screen FP2•Projects1
- %text 200 220 440 325
- There are other ZOOM buttons for recording data about related items
- such as Estimated Materials, Estimated Expenses, and more.
- %action 0 20 200 160 218 192
- %w 480
- %ctext
- Focal Point II automatically links and copies relevant information
- among the cards.
- %action 0 20 50 259 63 272
- %w 420
- %screen FP2•Projects4
- %text 185 200 433 300
- When your proposal is approved, Focal Point II is there to
- help with a group of cards designed to help you organize a project.
- %w 480
- %text 50 100 240 220
- There are cards for client information, project specifcations,
- invoices, payments, and deadlines.
- %action 6 20 4
- 50 77 63 90
- 251 221 264 234
- 251 239 264 252
- 49 47 62 60
- %w 420
- %screen FP2•Clients
- %text 290 110 458 260
- Use the Clients cards to maintain pertinent information on all of your
- clients, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and contacts.
- %action 0 20 380 19 469 39
- %w 360
- %screen FP2•Vendors
- %text 290 60 458 260
- Use the Vendors cards to record the names and addresses of each vendor
- you use. The Vendors cards also have space for the names of your
- contacts, miscellaneous notes, and billing information.
- %action 0 20 370 19 469 39
- %w 540
- %screen FP2•Expenses1
- %text 44 30 465 90
- The Expense Summary keeps track of your business and entertainment
- expenses, and automatically calculates all the totals for you.
- %action 6 30 2
- 415 115 470 294
- 86 273 415 294
- %w 480
- %screen FP2•Expenses2
- %text 55 180 440 280
- The time sheets help you track the time you intend to charge to clients
- and projects. And, the Time Sheet will post the charges to the Actual Labor
- record for the project whose number appears in the Project # column.
- %action 0 30 49 101 117 151
- %w 540
- %screen FP2•AutoExpenses
- %text 55 190 320 320
- Tracking auto expenses that you charge to a client or project, or for
- which you're reimbursed by your employer, is easy. And, you can post
- the charges back to the Actual Expenses card in the Projects module.
- %w 540
- %screen FP2•EMail
- %text 79 221 465 319
- If you're connected to a local area network, you can use Focal Point II's
- Mail module to create, send, and receive electronic messages. If you're
- not connected to a network, you can use the Mail module to write and print
- memos.
- %action 0 30 42 41 469 59
- %w 660
- %screen FP2•TaskManager
- %text 65 217 460 338
- Use the Task Manager to define and assign project tasks, and to organize
- your own tasks and delegate subtasks to others. You can also have Focal Point
- II transfer your tasks to your To Do lists automatically. If you're on a
- network, you can both send tasks and status reports to and receive them from
- others connected with the network.
- %action 0 30 384 19 469 39
- %w 900
- %end